Set up Easy with Furnished Rentals in Panama City FL!

Setting up my own financial services firm in Panama City FL has been one of the strangest yet wildly rewarding experiences in my life. Were it not for the furnished rentals in Panama City FL that I have been able to secure from Corporate Accommodations of NW Florida, I don’t know if I would have been able to take the heat and set up shop.

What I had not anticipated when setting up my own financial services practice here, was the significant need for my own personal accommodation so that I could actually work. This seemingly obvious aspect of the set-up process simply went right by me because I was so focused on the business itself.

Naturally, when setting up a new office in a new location, the people who are going to be working there also need to be able to sleep! So, you can imagine how I felt when I arrived to Panama City FL to inspect the new offices only to realize that I had nowhere to go at the end of the day.

Despite feeling like the bottom of my stomach fell out, I quickly scrambled to secure some kind of accommodation that would sustain me for the duration of setting up my new offices. Because I knew that a traditional hotel simply would not be feasible in a financial or logistics sense, I needed something specific.

This is how I came across Corporate Accommodations of NW Florida and quickly learned about their furnished rentals in Panama City FL services. The accommodations that they have for guests like me are absolutely perfect for this type of situation.

I still cannot believe how lucky I got at the eleventh hour for my personal accommodation while setting up my financial services office. Were it not for Corporate Accommodations of NW Florida, I have no doubt that I would be spending a fortune on a traditional hotel while also feeling cramped and uncomfortable.

Instead, I am enjoying my luxurious furnished rentals in Panama City FL while I continue my work to set up the new offices that I will be working from and advising my clients through various financial activities. I firmly believe that my initial success will be due in part to this development, because without this help, I would probably be distracted and unable to focus in the way that I need to.

I cannot recommend Corporate Accommodations of NW Florida enough! The furnished rentals in Panama City FL that I have been calling home and Panama City FL are perfect for everything that I need, and I am quite confident that my new financial services company will thrive as a result.

— Corporate Accommodations of NW Florida invites you to contact them at or 800-741-9519  to assist you with all your furnished rentals in Panama City FL needs.–